Iftar Ramadhan 5/1434H

Today is the 7th day of Ramadhan. How time flies…
On the 5th day of Ramadhan, DearDear decided to have iftar outside. He chose Manhattan Fish Market. Easy to bring Amani when the weather that day was heavy rain.


Since we arrived early, we booked the table first. And then we went browsing around the Spring. Bought a slipper for Amani and came back later at the place. Luckily we had booked earlier, the place was almost full house. While waiting for the menu to be served, DearDear took our picture. Yeah, as you can see… Mama was over excited while Amani  had her bad mood that day. I guess because she was hungry or sleepy.


Here what we catched at the fish market. Mushroom soup for Amani, Black Coffee for DearDear and the meals in a pot (I don’t remember the name) of course for me.

As usual… We left the place with a full and heavy belly.Alhamdulillah…